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Creating Data Centric Experiences
The hospitality industry needs to be disrupted – knowing a guests’ preferences just isn’t enough. Ireckonu has committed to changing the industry and solving these challenges in hospitality, entertainment, and sports sectors through technology and data by creating what we call a “data-centric ecosystem”. Here’s how we did it.
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Start with aBase

Stop buying software and start building a foundation. Ireckonu combines its powerful, system-agnostic product stack with a hotel or hotel chain, adapting and evolving with your technology stack and company vision to create an endless, ever-growing ecosystem. We provide the tools to unlock the true potential of your on-premises and above property systems.

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Guest Experience Framework

The Industry Challenge

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A Connected Ecosystem

One Size Fits All

Introducing the magic behind the Framework. From operational insights to personalized guest profiles, our product stack is equipped to vastly increase your quality and quantity of accessible data.

It all starts with IRECKONU Core, the base and foundation of our product line. Add in IKnowu to create a single source of truth for all guest profiles. Increase your operational efficiency with IConnectU, and complete the Framework with our frictionless Kiosk & Web Check-in


Our Clients

Ranging from independent hotels to international hotel-chains, our clients and partners have successfully implemented our Guest Experience Framework. Explore the key products below.

"The Ireckonu team includes some of the most capable people our team has ever worked with. We appreciate their ability to quickly solve issues we had been working to resolve for years." – Todd Wood, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group.

Citizen Logo
Kiosk Check-In
Public Logo
Loews Logo
QO Amsterdam Logo
Student Hotel Logo
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170 + Integrations A Few Key Partners

And Many, Many More!
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