Products - IknowU

IKnowU’s purpose is to serve as a single source of truth for all guest profiles. The features within the IKnowU Customer Data Platform (CDP) gives hoteliers the ability to utilize and interpret guest information, while sharing this data on a real-time basis with a variety of systems that touch each point of the guest journey.

Product Features


This is where true guest engagement starts. IKnowU profiles is a centralized repository of all consolidated guest profile information which is updated and maintained in real-time that is synchronize with external system such as your PMS and CRS via a 2-way profile sync. Equipped with guest details, preferences, stay history, and lifetime value, IKnowU is the system of record (SOR) for all integrated systems. IKnowU provides the baseline for all guest engagement efforts.

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Product Features

Identity Management

Powered by our full Auth0 integration, we have effectively separated identity management (username and password) from a guest’s profile, allowing hoteliers to provide single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication, and even social logins with platforms such as Google, Apple and FaceBook.

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Product Features

Match & Merge

Matching, Merging, and Deduping a multitude of guest profiles to create one profile, known as the system of record (SOR). Ireckonu works with each hotel group individually to optimize business rules, while allowing hotel groups to determine when to auto-merge versus using the extensive manual merge configuration.

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Product Features


With our three pillars of guest recognition – Recency Frequency & Monetary – RFM+ combines our foundation with your customized dimensions to create a top-tier guest recognition program. The “plus” in RFM+ provides an added layer of customization with two out-of-the-box dimensions: rank your guests on number of nights spent, and number of hotels stayed at (within a group).

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Product Features

Subscription Center

As the System of Record (SOR) for customer profiles, IKnowU empowers the user the ability to manage their online subscriptions from all forms of communications based on their profile, centrally. Once a guest determines their subscription choice, Ireckonu will update all external systems to reflect their new subscription status. You will not have to worry about being out of compliance with opt-in / opt-out rules

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Product Features

Communication Center (Comms Center)

The communication Centre (Coms Centre) in IKnowU gives your hotels control over the communication journey of your guests starting at the point of confirmation, through pre-arrival, In-stay and post stay. The communication Centre has a robust rules engine that allow you the ability to customize each message set based on specific rules. The Coms Centre leverages the T

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Product Features

Guest Engagement App

Get your hotel staff out from behind the front desk and interacting with guests while having all the profile intelligence they need in an easy to manage formfactor such as a tablet. Instead of printed out arrival and departure lists, front-of-house staff members and GMs can view real-time insights on all arriving guests through the ease of a tablet while simultaneously updating preferences on the fly.

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Product Features

GDPR & CCPA Considerations

IKnowU’s system of record (SOR) for profile houses all associated profile ID’s from external systems, back to the “master” profile. Upon request, a hotel group can easily locate all linked guest profiles and quickly anonymize the guest in question.

Product Features

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